Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tales of High Adventure Submission Guidlines For Writers

Thrilling pulp fantasy returns with Tales of High Adventure from IndieOnly. Featuring fiction both old and new and penned by some of the greatest writers of gritty pulp drama as well as yet undiscovered gifted word-smiths!

Issue number 2 of Tales of High Adventure, to be released in the Spring of 2011, is now seeking submissions.

Tales of High Adventure is now accepting submissions of prose, poetry, illustrated comic stories, and single page art pin-ups as published in the pulp magazines such as Weird Tales, Astounding Stories, Spicy Mystery Stories, Amazing Stories and Startling Stories and inspired by the works of Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, Dashiell Hammett, Mickey Spillane, Leigh Brackett, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jack Vance, Fritz Leiber and others.

Hard-boiled Detectives and Private Eyes!
Spectacular Swords and Sorcery!
Fantastic Science Fantasy!
Spine-tingling Horror!
Daring Cliffhanging Adventures!

Submission Guidelines For Writers
  • We will accept short stories up to 10,000 words. If you have a longer story it may be serialized between issues, please query first.
  • New and original material only. One story at a time and no simultaneous submissions.
  • Please edit your work carefully.
  • Please submit stories in a Word doc or as an rtf file, single spaced text, between paragraphs double spaced. The title page should contain your name, email address, word count and date submitted. Number your pages.
  • All creators retain all rights to their characters and stories as this would be a one time, non-exclusive publishing agreement.
  • We cannot pay cash for your stories at this time. We will, however, send you a free printed copy of the issue where your work appears.
Become part of Pulp Culture and the stable of creators of Tales of High Adventure!

Send your inquiries or submissions to pulp at indieonlycomics dot com

More details on comic and art submissions coming soon.

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